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Client: Nacka Strand/Carlyle Group

Project: Midwinter Light Up

The world's biggest interactive music sequencer to lend light to the darkest night of the year.

The investment company Carlyle Group decided to buy Nacka Strand, a suburb close to Stockholm. The empty, huge office buildings dominating the area was to be remodelled and sold as apartments. But the first step was to get developers interested enough to start buying construction permits in the neighbourhood.

The strategy was to create local buzz about this "new", interesting part of Stockholm. And although Nacka Strand, was, at the time, kind of forgotten to the public it did have a fantastic display window facing the inlet of Stockholm. We decided to use the empty buildings and create a unique event. 

The Midwinter Light Up was an interactive music sequencer to lend light to the darkest night of the year – and to the new Nacka Strand apartment project.

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